Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce: The Global Businesswomen’s Pod

The Global Business Women’s Pod, hosted by Suzan Deison, CEO, President & Founder of the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce. Every Thursday at 6pm we will bring you inspiring stories of women who are leading in the advancement of women and girls. We will take you with us to our premier events. You will meet entrepreneurs, executives, and philanthropists who will empower and inspire you to succeed.

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Thursday Aug 17, 2023

GHWCC Global Businesswomen’s Pod Episode 70: 
Senior Client Advisor at Morgan Stanley, gospel recording artist, public speaker and bestselling Author, Carla Harris shares her eight pearls of Intentional Leadership – authenticity, building trust, creating other leaders, creating clarity, diversity, innovation, inclusivity, and voice – qualities that you need to hone and manifest to become a powerful, impactful leader no matter where you work. She also examines the key traits of being a transformational leader, focusing on the gaps she has seen in leadership that could impede or damage any leader’s effectiveness.

Thursday Aug 10, 2023

GHWCC Global Businesswomen’s Pod Episode 69Discover Your WHY and Power Your Purpose!Achieve Total Self-Awareness, Psychological Freedom and Leadership Growth. Tanika Vital Pringle has been recognized by the state of Texas and City of Houston for empowering women globally to become more knowledgeable about their brand strategy.

Thursday Aug 10, 2023

GHWCC Global Businesswomen’s Pod Episode 69Discover Your WHY and Power Your Purpose!Achieve Total Self-Awareness, Psychological Freedom and Leadership Growth.Tanika Vital Pringle has been recognized by the state of Texas and City of Houston for empowering women globally to become more knowledgeable about their brand strategy.

Thursday Aug 03, 2023

GHWCC Global Businesswomen’s Pod Episode 68Please welcome Lianne Armpriester, General Manager, Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS) Chevron New Energies and Carrie Lalou, Director of Business Development, Linde as they share their work journey and why they are supporting the Houston CCS Alliance.

Thursday Aug 03, 2023

GHWCC Global Businesswomen's Pod Episode 68Please welcome Lianne Armpriester, General Manager, Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS) Chevron New Energies and Carrie Lalou, Director of Business Development, Linde as they share their work journey and why they are supporting the Houston CCS Alliance.

Thursday Jul 27, 2023

GHWCC Global Businesswomen's Pod Video Episode 67:Meet the award-winning author of "The Power of Saying No”
Vanessa Patrick, PhD. is the Associate Dean for Research, Executive Director of Doctoral Programs (PhD and DBA), a Bauer Professor of Marketing and lead faculty of the Executive Women in Leadership Program at the Bauer School of Business at the University of Houston. She has been recognized with a number of awards for both scholarship and teaching, including the LeRoy and Lucille Melcher Faculty Excellence award from the Bauer College of Business for Research Excellence (2011), Service Excellence (2016) and Teaching Excellence (2018). The Marketing Science Institute named her one of the top young scholars in the field. In 2012, she was named one of the top 50 most productive marketing scholars worldwide by the DocSig of the American Marketing Association.

Thursday Jul 27, 2023

GHWCC Global Businesswomen's Pod Episode 67
Meet the award-winning author of "The Power of Saying No”
Vanessa Patrick, PhD. is the Associate Dean for Research, Executive Director of Doctoral Programs (PhD and DBA), a Bauer Professor of Marketing and lead faculty of the Executive Women in Leadership Program at the Bauer School of Business at the University of Houston. She has been recognized with a number of awards for both scholarship and teaching, including the LeRoy and Lucille Melcher Faculty Excellence award from the Bauer College of Business for Research Excellence (2011), Service Excellence (2016) and Teaching Excellence (2018). The Marketing Science Institute named her one of the top young scholars in the field. In 2012, she was named one of the top 50 most productive marketing scholars worldwide by the DocSig of the American Marketing Association.

Thursday Jul 20, 2023

GHWCC Global Businesswomen’s Pod Video Episode 66: Jorge L Toledo,  a visionary, an artist and a survivor of 1,775 days of extreme, arbitrary, and illegal detentionJorge L. Toledo is a former Oil and Gas senior executive, a visionary, an artist, a marathon runner, an enterprise architect, and a survivor of 1,775 days of extreme, arbitrary, and illegal detention in Venezuela. An American Citizen, originally from Caracas Venezuela, has successfully improved organizations in the Oil and Gas business for almost 40 years creating positive change and motivating the teams to superior levels of performance, in global operations and multinational business protocols.

Thursday Jul 20, 2023

GHWCC Global Businesswomen’s Pod Episode 66:
Jorge L. Toledo is a former Oil and Gas senior executive, a visionary, an artist, a marathon runner, an enterprise architect, and a survivor of 1,775 days of extreme, arbitrary, and illegal detention in Venezuela. An American Citizen, originally from Caracas Venezuela, has successfully improved organizations in the Oil and Gas business for almost 40 years creating positive change and motivating the teams to superior levels of performance, in global operations and multinational business protocols.

Thursday Jul 13, 2023

GHWCC Global Businesswomen’s Pod Video Episode 65
Adam Alter, Author of Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to Get Unstuck When It Matters Most
Whether it’s a relationship, your career, a creative pursuit, a financial opportunity, or even an athletic goal, we all experience getting stuck. However, rather than treating these frustrating points in our lives as obstacles, there’s actually a way to turn these into opportunities for flourishing in your life and your work.


The Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce

The Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce is a nonprofit business organization of highly influential and diverse women and men dedicated to the advancement and empowerment of women through avenues of leadership, education, advocacy and mentoring.

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